25 January 2012

The Obligatory "Why I Made a Blog" Post

Hi. My name is Jeff. This is my blog.

It's named after the initial setting of  Final Fantasy VI, a game I played quite a bit as a kid. I remember it fondly because of its host of characters, its vast world to explore, and the fact that everything seems awesome when you're thirteen. It's also meant to be a moderately clever play on words, since I am trying to balance the responsibilities of being a real-life adult with the desire to waste time on frivolous hobbies, such as writing a blog. Rejected names include "I Am Velius" after an iconic scene from Final Fantasy Tactics, which I felt was too obscure and a little morbid, and several iterations of wordplay based on my grade school nickname, Iceman (not Top Gun-related) and/or my glorious beard, none of which were terribly catchy.

If you're looking for any more details on this corner of the Internet, your guess is as good as mine. A blog seemed like a good way to organize my thoughts on things I think about a lot. So, now this exists. I will not try and focus on one or two topics, instead I want to write about a variety of things. I'm just not sure what they are yet. I know that most of my free Internet time is spent on either:
  • video games, specifically the Final Fantasy and Zelda series
  • sports, specifically the Washington Capitals, Chicago Cubs, Cleveland Browns, and Alabama Crimson Tide
Other things I care about less frequently:
  • movies, but my passion for film ended when I realized the lion's share of the industry was out of ideas (read: Crash won the Oscar for Best Picture of 2005)
  • television, in that I only watch two or three series at a time, but I tend to get fully immersed in them
  • music, even though the vast majority of bands I've heard of over the past decade only make a handful of good songs
  • politics, by virtue of living in Washington I have to care a little bit, but not nearly enough to follow it daily
These are the things I know at the moment. Where this goes from here, I guess we'll find out. You've been warned.

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